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Razer Pro|Type Keyboard with iPod Dock

Author:  Andrew Wizniowski
Date:  2007.11.27
Topic:  gaming
Provider:  Razer
Manufacturer:  Razer

Razer Pro|Type Keyboard with iPod Dock

Drivers and Performance

In order for the keyboard to be fully functional, Razer includes a CD with drivers and a driver control program which allows the end user to assign different macros and functions to the keys.

Each of the buttons, L1-L5, and R1-R5 can be programmed to a macro of your choice. So if you want one button to spell out "Hello, how are you doing today?" all you have to do is type it into the macro box in the button settings section and you're ready to go. Otherwise, you can locate the program of your choice and have it load up whenever you need it.






One of the other features of the macro keys is that there is an insert delay of either 50, 100, 150, or 200 milliseconds. As a result spamming can be delayed.

Profiles can be adjusted for keys as well. Each user that logs on to the computer can instantly resume using their preferred key set up by the touch of a button. The keyboard allows for up to 10 user profiles, which leaves plenty of room for play. No worries about someone being left out.

The driver utility also allows the user to select which media program they want to use for the multimedia keys. All of this is instantly available without having to locate any .exe's.

The same is available for the Imaging shortcutr keys. Just select your favorite picture viewer and with the touch of a button you can zoom in or out, rotate a picture, or view it in its real size.


Two USB slots are required to take advantage of all the Razer Pro|Type's features. One port is strictly for the keyboard while the other is for the iPod Dock and the Two USB port Hub and Line Out jack located on the backside of the keyboard behind the Numpad.




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