Guys (and girls) just to tell you Bess,
, is VERY SMART and actually googles (and other search engines) "Anti-Bess". Ok just to tell you Bess,
, could be one of us... and fixes all problems that you say, today is 02/08/07 (DD/MM/YY) and all "Loopholes", "Glitches" and whatever else that you might have said is GONE! DEAD!
! Bess has over 500 (five-hundred) people working 24/7 looking through forums like this for "Solutions". Honestly even if there was a "Golden Solution"
some little grade 3 would find out and show his teacher some porn! Really we need an "Off-the-grid" site if we ever want to continue ANTI-BESS, but some little grade 3 is going to show his teacher the site and bess will monitor it.
If you have any ideas of where we could put this site, email me.
Lets just say I have a source...