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Windows Server "Longhorn" Beta 3 Preview

Author:  Jason Jacobs
Date:  2007.05.02
Topic:  Networking
Provider:  SuperMicro
Manufacturer:  Microsoft

Windows Server "Longhorn"

Windows Server "Longhorn" Key Features

Among the key new features of Longhorn are some long awaited and eagerly anticipated tools and even a new way to install the OS. The inprovements and enhancements are too numerous to cover in any one review so we will only cover the most notable. Among the new features of Longhorn some include:

Server Core

In a deviation from standard Microsoft practice Longhorn includes a deployment method known as Server Core. Probably the most interesting and different (for Microsoft) new feature of Windows Server "Longhorn", Server Core is the server without the graphics. This is essentially a necessities only installation where no GUI (graphical user interface) is installed, and all management, configuration, and control is accomplished by command line only or alternatively by connecting to the server remotely using MMC or Microsoft Management Console. This formerly Unix only feature had been adopted into the Windows camp and we suspect the impact will be significant. Server Core includes the ability to configure the server for roles such as:

Obviously there are benefits to this kind of deployment to roles such as Domain Controller and Terminal Services where elimination of the GUI overhead and other GUI related services that often cause problems is ideal. User management and configuration of a server using Server Core may present a bit more difficulty.

Terminal Services

Terminal Services has several major enhancements in the areas of licensing, functionality, and usability. Utilizing both Terminal Services Gateway (new feature) and Terminal Services Remote Programs (also a new feature) the communication to the remote desktop is accomplished through HTTPS and appears transparent to the user as if the programs and desktop were being run locally. All applications run in the same session as opposed to separate sessions thus eliminating the need for additional licenses per user for the company. A huge upgrade is the addition of Terminal Services Easy Print which finally provides true plug and play printing ability and ensures printer redirection and availability within the Terminal Services for all printers connected to local machines without the need for IT administrators to install and additional printer drivers on the server.

Active Directory

Active Directory receives several enhancements with Identity and Rights Management services, upgrades that were long overdue and sorely needed to secure users and access within a network. Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) is also a new addition as is Active Directory Lightweight Directory (ADLDS), Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS), and Active Directory Right Management Services (ADRMS). Do you see a trend here? Possibly the most noteworthy of these services is ADFS which allows different enterprises to share credentials allowing users of both to log onto the others networks using one set of credentials or a single logon and password.

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